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Friday, 1 July 2011

Meylanox Everything: Benefits for Breast Tempe

Meylanox Everything: Benefits for Breast Tempe: "Scientific Evidence that soy beneficial for the prevention of cancer appear to continue to grow. Nuts are rich in protein content are belie..."

13 Problems in Pregnant Women

Pregnant women often experience problems that make them suffer even the most desperate. Here are some common problems experienced by some pregnant women are trying to ease it along the way we discussed it for you.
1. Morning Sickness
Try to get used to eat regular light meals, and avoid foods that contain lots of oils and fats. Always keep crackers beside your bed, so you can eat immediately after waking. Immediately contact your doctor if morning sickness continues for more than three months of pregnancy or causing your weight drastically helped.
2. Fatigue
Sometimes feelings of fatigue in pregnant women caused by anemia, if this condition gets worse, call your doctor immediately. Expand break and do a nap if possible.
3. Leg cramps
Slowly renggangkan panggal your calves by turning your toes toward your calf.
4. Constipation
Expand drinking water. Eat foods that contain lots of fiber, like fruits, vegetables, and cereals. Do not take laxatives without a doctor's advice first.
5. Hemorrhoid
Hemorrhoid is a pain that is felt diadaerah anus, especially when pushing. To ease it, do not push too hard during bowel movements. Avoid constipation on your digestion. After defecation, wash with water and wash until clean. Rinse with soap several times a day if necessary.
6. Frequent Urination
As we get older content, you will be more frequent urination urine. This occurs because the pressure of the baby on your urinary tract. There is no way you can do to reduce this problem. Only you need not worry, because this is not harmful to you and the fetus.
7. Varicose veins
Avoid wearing tight clothing that the foot or thigh. Rest your feet as often as possible. motion-the movement of your legs if you must be standing in a long time. Consult with your doctor to find a safe way to relieve and prevent varicose veins.
8. Feeling that change often (moody)
During pregnancy, your hormones change constantly beruba like a roller coaster. Plus the feeling that your life is undergoing a major change. Do not be too hard on yourself. If you feel very sad even though about suicide, talk with your doctor or the people closest to you about your unhappiness.
9. Heat in Stomach (Heartburn)
Eat small meals regularly. Avoid eating spicy foods and fatty or oily. Do not lie down directly after eating. Konsulatasilah with your doctor about the use of gastric acid neutralizing medicines are safe for you.
10. Fungus infection or vaginal discharge
Basically, vaginal discharge in pregnant women is normal, but we recommend you consult with your doctor if the more severe and excessive vaginal discharge.
11. Bleeding Gums
Brush and floss your teeth regularly and visit your dentist to clean teeth as usual. Pregnancy is not an obstacle for you to check the health of your teeth and mouth to the dentist. Just make sure you tell your doctor that you are pregnant, so your doctor can provide special handling that is safe for you.
12. Nasal congestion
Blocked nose or congestion in pregnant women usually are the result of changes in levels of female hormone estrogen. It could even be you will also experience nose bleeding (nosebleeds). No need to worry, because this is still normal in pregnant women. But if it is getting annoying consult with your doctor for treatment.
13. Edema
Edema merukanan perspiration or other body fluids through the skin surface. Lie down with the position of the body resting on the left side. Rest your feet by lifting it upwards so that the blood will flow more smoothly from the legs to your heart. Do not take diuretic pills. Should consult your doctor first if you intend going to reduce salt intake to reduce excessive perspiration on your body. Because after all the body needs salt to body fluid balance, and reducing salt intake is not the best way to deal with excessive sweating on your body

Tips to Overcome Nausea Vomiting During Pregnancy Young (Morning Sickness)

What is morning sickness? Morning sickness or nausea and vomiting usually occur during the initial 3 months of pregnancy (first trimester).
Every pregnant woman will have a degree of nausea that is different, there is not much to feel anything, but there is also a feeling of nausea and some even felt very nauseous and vomiting all the time and require treatment (hyperemesis gravidarum).
Remember that every pregnant woman with the special characteristics of each, so are you!
Some tips to help you cope with "morning sickness" or nausea-vomiting during early pregnancy:
• Eat small amounts but often, do not eat in large quantities or portions would only make you grow sick. Try to eat when you should eat small meals but often.
• Eat foods high in carbohydrates and proteins that can help you cope with nausea. Many fruit and vegetables and foods high in carbohydrates such as bread, potatoes, biscuits, etc.
• In the morning when I wake up do not jump to hasty wake up, try to sit first and only slowly stood up. If you feel very sick when I wake up in the morning prepare snack or biscuit near your bed, and you can eat it before you try to stand up.
• Avoid fatty foods, oily and spicy that will aggravate your nausea.
• Drink enough to avoid dehydration from vomiting. Drink water, or juice. Avoid beverages containing caffeine and carbonates.
• Vitamin pregnancy sometimes worsen nausea, but you still need folate for you this pregnancy. If nausea and vomiting is very severe, consult your doctor so it can be given the best advice for vitamins that you will consume. And your doctor will probably give the drug to nauseated when necessary.
• Vitamin B 6 is effective for reducing nausea in pregnant women. Should first consult with your doctor to use.
• Traditional Medicine: Usually people use ginger in reducing nausea in a variety of traditional treatments. Research in Australia states that ginger can be used as a traditional medicine to relieve nausea and safe for mother and baby. In some pregnant women who consume fresh ginger or ginger candy to overcome sickness menbantu.
• Rest and relax will help you cope with nausea vomiting. Because if you stress will only aggravate your nausea. . Uptake time for you! try to get enough rest and relax, listen to music, reading books or magazines of your favorite baby etc.. Face your pregnancy with happiness, because it is grace. :-)
Remember! Contact your doctor if nausea and vomiting become so severe, so that you can not eat or drink anything that can cause lack of fluids / dehydration. (Hyperemesis gravidarum).
Believe Morning sickness or nausea and vomiting in early pregnancy it will pass without you knowing it and this will be one of the interesting experiences during your pregnancy, just think about the little one will be coming soon with a million happiness.
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Tips to Overcome Nausea Vomiting During Pregnancy Young (Morning Sickness)

What is morning sickness? Morning sickness or nausea and vomiting usually occur during the initial 3 months of pregnancy (first trimester).
Every pregnant woman will have a degree of nausea that is different, there is not much to feel anything, but there is also a feeling of nausea and some even felt very nauseous and vomiting all the time and require treatment (hyperemesis gravidarum).
Remember that every pregnant woman with the special characteristics of each, so are you!
Some tips to help you cope with "morning sickness" or nausea-vomiting during early pregnancy:
• Eat small amounts but often, do not eat in large quantities or portions would only make you grow sick. Try to eat when you should eat small meals but often.
• Eat foods high in carbohydrates and proteins that can help you cope with nausea. Many fruit and vegetables and foods high in carbohydrates such as bread, potatoes, biscuits, etc.
• In the morning when I wake up do not jump to hasty wake up, try to sit first and only slowly stood up. If you feel very sick when I wake up in the morning prepare snack or biscuit near your bed, and you can eat it before you try to stand up.
• Avoid fatty foods, oily and spicy that will aggravate your nausea.
• Drink enough to avoid dehydration from vomiting. Drink water, or juice. Avoid beverages containing caffeine and carbonates.
• Vitamin pregnancy sometimes worsen nausea, but you still need folate for you this pregnancy. If nausea and vomiting is very severe, consult your doctor so it can be given the best advice for vitamins that you will consume. And your doctor will probably give the drug to nauseated when necessary.
• Vitamin B 6 is effective for reducing nausea in pregnant women. Should first consult with your doctor to use.
• Traditional Medicine: Usually people use ginger in reducing nausea in a variety of traditional treatments. Research in Australia states that ginger can be used as a traditional medicine to relieve nausea and safe for mother and baby. In some pregnant women who consume fresh ginger or ginger candy to overcome sickness menbantu.
• Rest and relax will help you cope with nausea vomiting. Because if you stress will only aggravate your nausea. . Uptake time for you! try to get enough rest and relax, listen to music, reading books or magazines of your favorite baby etc.. Face your pregnancy with happiness, because it is grace. :-)
Remember! Contact your doctor if nausea and vomiting become so severe, so that you can not eat or drink anything that can cause lack of fluids / dehydration. (Hyperemesis gravidarum).
Believe Morning sickness or nausea and vomiting in early pregnancy it will pass without you knowing it and this will be one of the interesting experiences during your pregnancy, just think about the little one will be coming soon with a million happiness.
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Cervical Cancer

Heredity is the desire of each family. But we often blame other factors which cause, for example: The husband is often out of pocket, the condition of the body tired because of work every day, sperm or egg is not fertile, and so forth.

If we go back to 25 or 30 years ago, we rarely hear of women who develop cervical cancer (cervical) or breast cancer or diseases of other terrible diseases women.
Earlier times women did not know the pads. They use cloth or small towel when they're having a menstrual period. Nowadays, there is no woman who does not know modernpun pads.
Did you know, in Indonesia, Thailand, the Philippines, Vietnam and other developing countries, producers are using used paper or sawdust is recycled to be used as a bandage. They also use a bleaching (bleach) to whiten the materials.
Whereas in the bleaching materials contained content DIOXIN very dangerous and can cause various diseases like Cancer Uterus, Breast Cancer, Cysts, Myom and many others.
Foreign countries (developed countries), although dressings are produced from cotton (instead of scrap materials), they (producers) must include on the packaging that the pads are free from chlorine. Unfortunately this has not become an obligation for producers in developing countries.
So after a long usage (teen years) before the women feel the presence of diseases. Starting from a whitish, yellowish, the difficulty of getting children, cyst, Myom, even deadly cancer.
I appeal to the young mothers, realize your health. Keep your crown. Because what good is a pretty face, shell out hundreds of thousands to the face, but the health of the Crown ignored. (YTN)

Garlic Efficacious Against Cancer and Heart Disease

More information ...
Garlic is now starting again examined by experts, and in fact the latest evidence stating garlic efficacious against cancer and heart disease. Dr. Richard Rivlin, of the New York-Presbyterian Hospital / Weill Cornell Medical Center.
Health records from China, India, Egypt, Greece and Italy have long used garlic as a medicine, Dr. Rivlin explained. They say that garlic is able to provide labor force and restore one's physical health. Hippocrates also recognize the benefits of garlic as one component of the drug.
Rivlin believes a moment of garlic can be used as food for preventing various diseases that may arise or as a therapeutic drug. Rivlin also said that garlic can be used as complementary medicine, not an alternative medicine.
The results of a recent study published in the Journal of Nutrition says the benefits of garlic are as follows:
- Selenium, a component contained in garlic, is useful as an anti-cancer drug.
- Garlic helps statins work to destroy the fatty blockage in patients with coronary heart disease.
- Garlic has the potential to lower cholesterol, blood pressure, and as anti-oxidants. It also helps to reduce levels of homocysteine​​, which is an amino acid as a sign of coronary heart disease.
- Garlic is efficacious as an "inhibit platelet aggregation" which greatly affects the occurrence of cardiovascular disease by holding job of calcium.
- Garlic may suppress the occurrence of precancerous lesions in the stomach.
- Garlic may suppress the growth of pre-cancerous lesions in the colon.
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8 Causes of Breast becomes loose

At a certain age, a woman's breasts will sag. This is reasonable because the milk glands shrink, so there is space in the skin covering the breast. Relaxation can also be caused by a drastic change in the body, so that the fat in the breast is reduced. While the condition is not accompanied by a decrease in skin covering the breast.

An aircraft engineer born in Newport, Texas, United States, Ir. N.O. Brantly states, such as aircraft, the human body are also affected by the laws of gravity. Body parts were especially prominent and is not supported, for example by muscle or bone. Bulge is referred to the breast.

Opinion is justified Dr. Melissa S. Luwia, MHA, from Indonesia Cancer Foundation. Because the salient and had no muscles, the gravitational force is badly affected breast. That is why, hang it (suspension) of this organ must be supported by specific tools. The tool we used to call it a bra, bra, breast support, or BH (breast holder).

According Brantly, BH is precisely the cause that makes the most beautiful breast. Unfortunately, not many women are aware of it. They do not know what kind of bra is best for the beauty of the breast.

Here are some factors that cause falls and breast engorgement in addition to things already known.

1. Childbirth and breastfeeding. Breast size is growing along with the gestational age. Breast enlargement makes mass increases. As a result, the stronger the pull down.

2. Too big and shaken. Similar to the case of nursing mothers. Breast mass affects the gravitational pull. The greater the mass, the greater the gravitational force, especially if the breast is always shaken, especially in athletes.

3. No buffer. Familiarize yourself with no bra will cause the slack, especially when relatively large breast size.

4. Bad habits. Side sleeping can make the breasts sag. This can be explained by the theory of gravity. On the side sleeping, breast no support at all, except by the BH. In contrast to sleep on their backs, because the breasts are supported by the body.

5. Disease. Diseases such as TB (tuberculosis) or breast cancer can result in a small, loose, or fall. This is because the viruses that destroy malignant cells and organs.

6. Malnutrition. Although the consumption of nutritious food is more useful to tighten the skin, this factor is very important. Diseases such as tuberculosis or cancer may arise from lack of nutrition. Foods such as cabbage, soybeans, tempeh, soy milk, and garlic are very good for preventing breast cancer.

7. Harsh treatment. Every inch of our body must be treated gently, especially breast. Harsh treatment such as wringing too strong, so define the beauty of the breast. Also when we use a bra that makes the breasts pressed, squeezed, and others.

8. Error wearing a bra. BH is too small, too tight or made with ingredients not good, can cause unhealthy breasts. As a result, the breasts to sag and fall.
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Bad Habits Cause Breast Unhealthy

Every woman wants to have a healthy and beautiful breasts. But at the same time each woman was sometimes do things that can damage breast health. What are the bad habits that make breast unhealthy?

Bad habits not only contribute to breast health, but also makes it look beautiful not for life.

Breasts can be affected by pregnancy, lactation, menopause and aging. But you can reduce the negative influence by simple actions.

As reported by the GeniusBeauty, following bad habits that cause breast and the enemy is not healthy:

1. Decreased body weight increased drastically
Weight gain is a reason for the excessive stretching of the skin. If weight gain and sudden decline will make your skin soft and stretched. Fluctuations in weight can make the breast is not healthy and lose its ideal form.

2. The habit of sitting the wrong
Women should pay attention to his seat, because of bad postural habits or sit the wrong way cause breast sagging. Therefore, always sit properly, because not only beneficial for the spine, but also to breast health.

3. Incorrect bra size
When choosing a bra is the most important consider its size. Incorrect bra size can make the breasts is not healthy. Bra is too tight will damage the blood circulation which can lead to breast cancer. While a loose bra can lead to stretching of the skin, especially for women who have large breasts. So choose the right size.

4. Bath in hot water
Keep in mind that hot water can make skin dry and inelastic. Then you should avoid hot bath in a long time.

5. Ultraviolet light
Many people like to sunbathe on the beach with a bathing suit to get brownish skin. But it turns out it can be harmful to breast health. In addition to burns, sun also causes the breasts to lose elasticity and increase the risk of breast cancer.

Benefits for Breast Tempe

Scientific Evidence that soy beneficial for the prevention of cancer appear to continue to grow. Nuts are rich in protein content are believed to be having an enormous potential against the growth of breast cancer, especially if consumed since puberty.

Researchers from Georgetown Medical Center research report published in British Journal of Cancer emphasizes that women should eat high ABG made of soy if you want to avoid the risk of breast cancer. In soybeans, according to investigators contained a kind of important chemical called genistein that is claimed to be effective against cancer.

However, major challenges still facing researchers in the use of these substances in soy genistein. They have to make sure how soy can be used appropriately to provide protection for adolescent women of this malignant disease.

"The timing seems important in the use of this bioactive food, and if we can reveal why these substances can protect, then we can provide breast cancer prevention in a wider scope" said researcher Leena Hilaviki-Clarke, PhD, professor of oncology at the Lombardi Comprehensive Cancer Center at Georgetown.

Although there are various theories as to explain the relationship of soy to the prevention of cancer. "But there is currently no convincing explanation of why cancer risk reduction effects are stronger during childhood and early puberty," he added.

So far, there are only three research that examines the benefits of soy in puberty and its influence on the development of advanced stage breast cancer. Two of these studies focused on Asian women who eat soy in the daily menu.

This research indicates that soy offers a very strong protective effect - which is about 50 percent lower risk of breast cancer - when consumed during childhood and early adolescence.

According Hilakivi-Clarke, it was revealed the strongest evidence through various researches in mice. From this animal study, data on exposure to genistein in pre puberty is very consistent in showing a decline person is at risk of cancer. Exposure to genistein in fetal development or in adulthood did not show precisely the same impact protection.

Further testing in mice showed that the use of genistein in puberty can suppress levels of TEB (terminal end buds) or structures that cause the growth of mammary epithelial tissues, where the cells lining the milk ducts, and in the epithelial cells of breast cancer is growing.

10 Signs Pregnancy

Not sure you are pregnant have your period a week too late? Despite pregnancy test pack for testing, sometimes believe changes to the body as a sign of pregnancy is still a powerful way.
Here are 10 signs to make sure whether or not you are pregnant? yuk, we check:

1. Nipple / breast softer
If you are pregnant, you will recognize that the breasts and nipples become tender around three weeks after conception (when your period about a week late). Maybe breasts feel swollen, similar to the time before menstruation.

2. Appears spots and cramps
When you're pregnant, usually marked by the appearance of pink spots on the panties that occurs during implantation (when the embryo attach to the lining of the uterus. This happens about 8-10 days after ovulation, a bit earlier than the arrival time of menstruation).
Sometimes we misidentified as menstruation, only a shorter time than normal menstruation. Cramps are also common in early pregnancy. Until the second trimester of pregnancy, cramps like this will appear. Contractions of the uterus occur regularly, increasing with exercise, orgasm and even a change of position.

3. Darkening of the areola
In early pregnancy, you may recognize the areola (the dark area surrounding the nipple) begin to darken and enlarge its diameter. Believed that the increasing darkness of the color of the areola helps the newborn find the nipple to suckle. You may also be recognized that the veins in the breasts become more visible due to tension in the breast.

4. Excessively tired
If you are pregnant, the most common symptom in the first eight to ten weeks is exhaustion. During pregnancy, the body undergoes significant changes in metabolism. Your whole body needs to adjust to the new process the growing fetus. for most women, fatigue will go at 12 weeks gestation.

5. Nausea and vomiting
If you are pregnant, early pregnancy, a few days after fertilization, may experience morning sickness. Actually, morning sickness is the wrong name, because in reality nausea and vomiting can occur at any time: morning, noon, night.

6. Frequent urination
When your period of one to two weeks late, maybe the desire to urinate more often than usual. This is because the growing fetus in the uterus pressing the urinary tract. So was dying for a pee.

7. Constipation
Defecation (BAB) is difficult and not smooth? This commonly occurs in early pregnancy. Additional hormone produced during pregnancy cause the intestines become more flexible and less efficient.

8. The rise in basal body temperature
Well, we can be sure you are pregnant if basal body temperature increases, the time periods that should have come up missing. and does not descend to the level before ovulation. At conception, the fertilized ovum in the fallopian tubes, and requires about a week to the uterus, where the fertilized ovum will stick in there.

9. Menstruation did not come.
It's a sign of early pregnancy, especially if used regularly menstruating. Combined with positive signs in the above, chances are you are pregnant.

10. Pregnancy test.
If you want to make sure the truth, do a test pack which can be bought from the pharmacist. Accurate urine test for pregnancy is between 10-14 days. Remember, a pregnancy test that can be done at home is not necessarily 100% correct, even after a blood check though. If all test results are negative, while you feel like you are pregnant, do more tests. This time to the gynecologist.

How To Add Weight

For men, increasing body weight can be a serious problem. The only way to add weight is to exercise and eat more stringent. Well, here will be revealed ten nutrition rules that you should follow so as to increase the weight of your body without adding too much fat.
1. Eat a lot
Here's how it works: If you are exercising but not too put on weight, probably because you lack enough to eat. How do you expect your body to gain weight if you do not consume enough calories to your body's calorie-burning rate per day?
For most men, you should consume at least 10 calories perpon your body weight just to maintain your current body weight. Meanwhile, to add weight to your body, you should consume at least 500 more calories than your usual calorie intake. The more you eat, the greater the likelihood your body weight increase. You should choose a selective consumption of food that you want so it can add quality weight without consuming too much fat.
2. Eat more often
Eat more often associated with eating more because, logically it, the more food you eat, the more calories you can. Eating more frequently will also help your digestion. It's obviously easier to chew snacks contain 500 calories each instead of four large meals of 100 calories each.
Moreover, if eat something in large portions, some foods are not processed correctly due to lack of hormones in your metabolism. The advantages of this potentially eat into fat in the middle of his journey. So bear in mind is, by eating more, you will automatically gain some weight from fat.
Do not forget if you eat less, you lead a longer period of each meal, insulin and concentration of nutrients causing you to fall, an effect disturb your body's metabolism.
3. Eat with the right proportions
Proteins are the main barriers neuromuscular and nutrients essential to increase body weight and build muscle mass. But you also have to obtain the amount of carbohydrate and fat enough. The recommended proportion of carbohydrates, proteins and fats is approximately 50:35:15. This proportion can be applied to all of the diet without thinking of the total caloric intake.
4. Calorie-dense foods
Always try to eat calorie-dense foods. Look at this as something that is more efficient. More calories you get from food pergramnya, the more okay it is, because you do not have to eat less. It will also make you hungry faster. For example: try to reduce your consumption of vegetables because of the low calorie content and 80% of vegetables consists of water. But try to eat red meat, eggs and tuna. Those who want to be fat is also an effective source that will help you improve your overall caloric intake.
5. Do not forget multivitamins
Calorie-dense foods usually lack micronutrients such as vitamins, water and certain minerals. To avoid this micro nutrient deficiencies, eat a multivitamin every day. Vitamins are needed to maintain optimal levels of micronutrients, and eat between meals you to speed up digestion.
6. Nutrition after exercise
After exercising, the level of macro nutrients your body is reduced and the nerve muscle you need a refresher. This caused food after exercise is an important food every day for those who want to increase body weight. Always try to eat within one hour after exercise for optimal results. Your body has the capacity to absorb more protein at that moment than any other time. In general, you should try to consume 45-50 grams of protein and exaggerated 1.5 times the amount of carbohydrates you after each time you exercise.
7. Sleep when your stomach is full
The second most important meal of the day is that you eat before bed. The average man burns 67 calories per hour during sleep. So if you used to sleep eight hours, try to consume at least 536 calories before going to bed. There is a general belief that whatever you eat before bed will turn into fat, but this is not entirely correct. Surely, if you eat a Big Mac before bed, it will be stored as fat. Better-quality protein drink mix, because it is low in fat and carbohydrate content only.

8. Love the meat
Simple really, if you want to be fat, you need to eat meat. Meat is rich in protein, natural source of creatine is good and has lots of calories.
9. Drinking a lot
Water, juice, and milk. Drinking is the key to increase body mass, because 60% of our body is water. You lose water through sweat or urine, and this water will increase the body weight decreased drastically with thirst. So make sure you drink lots of water. Drinking water will help you improve the digestive system, while filled with milk and juice quality protein will provide essential sugars needed by your body.
10. Increase your caloric intake gradually
Gradually your body will get used to increased calorie consumption. Try to increase the caloric intake per day to 125 to 250 calories until you reach the weight you desire.

Other Benefits of Soy Milk: Overcome Menopause Complaints

Soy milk has other benefits which is to address the complaints of menopause in women. Japanese woman loved to eat processed soy products like soy milk, hence the high menopausal age and seldom have complaints of post-menopausal.

In addition was made tempeh, soy is also widely processed into milk or soy milk is better known. Making soy milk has been developed in China in the 2nd century BC. Of developing the country's bamboo curtain to Japan and the countries of Southeast Asia World setelahPerang II.
Nutritionists Hospital Mohammad Hoesin (RSMH), Nita Chairani, M Kes says, soy milk had higher levels of protein and amino acid composition similar to milk
cows. Soy milk also contains no cholesterol. Protein content in soy milk are influenced by soy variatas. Soy milk can be used to improve the nutritional value of proteins in rice and other cereal foods.
Diabetes Mellitus
Ingredients: 1 handful of black soy beans
Boiled in 3 cups water to boil down to 1 cup and filtered to take water.
How to use:
drink 1 a day 1 cup and be done routinely every day.
Kidney Pain
Ingredients: 3 tablespoons soy beans.
Boiled with 2-3 cups water to boil down to 1 cup, then filtered to take water.
How to use:
Taken on the morning after waking up and performed regularly every day.
Ingredients: 1 tablespoon black soy beans, 1 tablespoon green beans, and 2 tablespoons of peanut.
All material is fried without oil (couple = Java), then crushed (ground) until smooth.
Eat 2 times daily 1 teaspoonful, morning and afternoon.

Manfaat Tempe bagi Payudara

BUKTI ilmiah bahwa kedelai bermanfaat bagi pencegahan penyakit kanker tampaknya terus berkembang. Kacang yang kaya akan kandungan protein ini diyakini memilik potensi besar melawan pertumbuhan kanker payudara, terutama jika dikonsumsinya sejak masa pubertas.

Para peneliti dari Georgetown Medical Center dalam laporan riset yang dimuat British Journal of Cancer menekankan bahwa para wanita ABG sebaiknya rajin mengonsumsi makanan terbuat dari kedelai jika ingin terhindar dari risiko kanker payudara. Dalam kedelai, menurut peneliti terkandung sejenis zat kimia penting bernama genistein yang diklaim efektif melawan kanker.

Walau begitu, tantangan besar masih dihadapi para peneliti dalam pemanfaatan zat genistein dalam kedelai ini. Mereka harus memastikan bagaimana kedelai ini dapat digunakan dengan tepat untuk menyediakan perlindungan bagi para wanita remaja dari penyakit yang ganas ini.

“Penentuan waktu tampaknya penting dalam penggunaan makanan bioaktif ini dan jika kita bisa mengungkapkan mengapa zat ini dapat melindungi, maka kita bisa menyediakan pencegahan kanker payudara dalam cakupan yang lebih luas” ungkap peneliti Leena Hilaviki-Clarke PhD, profesor onkologi dari Lombardi Comprehensive Cancer Center di Georgetown.

Walaupun ada berbagai teori sementara yang menjelaskan hubungan kedelai dengan pencegahan kanker. “Namun saat ini belum ada penjelasan yang meyakinkan tentang mengapa efek penurunan risiko kanker ini lebih kuat selama masa kanak-kanak dan awal pubertas,” tambahnya.

Sejauh ini, baru ada tiga riset yang meneliti manfaat kedelai pada masa pubertas serta pengaruhnya pada perkembangan kanker payudara tahap lanjut. Dua di antara penelitian ini difokuskan pada wanita Asia yang mengonsumsi kedelai dalam menu kesehariannya.

Riset-riset ini mengindikasikan bahwa kedelai menawarkan efek perlindungan yang sangat kuat – yakni sekitar 50 persen penurunan risiko kanker payudara – ketika dikonsumsi selama masa kanak-kanak dan awal remaja.

Menurut Hilakivi-clarke, bukti terkuat justru terungkap lewat berbagai riset pada tikus. Dari riset binatang ini, data mengenai paparan genistein pada masa pra pubertas sangat konsisten dalam menunjukkan penurunan risko kanker. Paparan genistein dalam perkembangan janin atau pun pada masa dewasa justru tidak menunjukkan dampak proteksi yang sama.

Pengujian lebih jauh pada tikus menunjukkan bahwa penggunaan genistein pada masa pubertas dapat menekan kadar TEB (terminal end buds) atau struktur yang menyebabkan pertumbuhan jaringan epitel mamari, dimana sel-selnya melapisi saluran susu, dan di dalam sel-sel epitelial inilah kanker payudara berkembang.

10 Tanda Kehamilan

Tidak yakin anda hamil mesti haid sudah terlambat seminggu? Meski sudah ada test pack untuk menguji kehamilan, kadang mempercayai perubahan pada tubuh sebagai pertanda kehamilan masihlah cara ampuh.
Berikut ada 10 tanda-tanda untuk memastikan hamil-tidaknya Anda? yuk, kita cek:

1. Puting/payudara lebih lembut
Jika Anda hamil, Anda akan mengenali bahwa payudara dan putingnya menjadi lebih lembut sekitar tiga pekan setelah pembuahan (saat haid terlambat sekitar seminggu). Mungkin payudara terasa bengkak, serupa dengan saat menjelang haid.

2. Muncul flek dan kram
Saat anda hamil, biasanya ditandai dengan munculnya flek pink di celana dalam yang terjadi saat implantasi (manakala embrio menempel di dinding uterus. Hal ini terjadi sekitar 8-10 hari menyusul ovulasi, sedikit lebih awal dibanding datangnya waktu haid).
Kadang kita salah mengartikannya sebagai haid, hanya waktunya lebih pendek ketimbang menstruasi normal. Kram juga umum terjadi di awal kehamilan. Sampai kehamilan trimester kedua, kram seperti ini akan muncul. Kontraksi di rahim terjadi secara teratur, meningkat dengan olahraga, orgasme dan bahkan perubahan posisi.

3. Penggelapan areola
Pada kehamilan awal, Anda mungkin mengenali daerah areola (daerah gelap yang mengelilingi puting payudara) mulai menjadi lebih gelap dan diameternya membesar. Diyakini bahwa bertambah gelapnya warna areola membantu bayi yang baru lahir menemukan puting untuk menyusu. Anda mungkin juga akan mengenali bahwa vena di payudara menjadi lebih kelihatan karena penegangan payudara.

4. Lelah berlebihan
Jika anda hamil, gejala yang paling umum dalam delapan hingga sepuluh minggu pertama adalah rasa lelah. Saat hamil, tubuh mengalami perubahan metabolisme yang signifikan. Seluruh tubuh Anda perlu melakukan penyesuaian terhadap proses baru bertumbuhnya janin. bagi sebagian besar wanita, kelelahan akan pergi saat usia kehamilan 12 minggu.

5. Mual dan muntah
Jika Anda hamil, pada awal kehamilan, beberapa hari setelah pembuahan, mungkin akan mengalami morning sickness. Sebenarnya morning sickness ini nama yang salah, karena pada kenyataannya mual dan muntah bisa terjadi kapan saja: pagi, siang, malam.

6. Sering buang air kecil
Saat haid terlambat satu hingga dua minggu, mungkin keinginan buang air kecil menjadi lebih sering ketimbang biasanya. Ini karena janin yang tumbuh di rahim menekan saluran urin. Makanya terasa kebelet pipis.

7. Sembelit
Buang air besar (BAB) menjadi sulit dan tidak lancar? Ini lazim terjadi pada awal kehamilan. Hormon tambahan yang diproduksi pada masa kehamilan menyebabkan usus halus lebih lentur dan menjadi kurang efisien.

8. Naiknya temperatur basal tubuh
Nah, bisa dipastikan anda hamil jika suhu basal tubuh meningkat, saat masa haid yang harusnya datang terlewat. dan tidak turun ke level sebelum terjadi ovulasi. Saat terjadinya pembuahan, ovum dibuahi di tuba falopii, dan membutuhkan sekitar seminggu untuk ke rahim, dimana ovum terbuahi akan menempel di sana.

9. Haid tak datang.
Ini pertanda awal kehamilan, apalagi jika haid terbiasa teratur. Dikombinasikan dengan tanda-tanda positif di atas, kemungkinan besar Anda memang hamil.

10. Tes kehamilan.
Jika Anda ingin memastikan kebenarannya, lakukan dengan test pack yang bisa dibeli bebas di apotek. Tes urin akurat untuk kehamilan usia 10-14 hari. Ingat, test kehamilan yang bisa dilakukan di rumah itu belum tentu 100% benar, bahkan setelah melalui cek darah sekalipun. Jika semua tes hasilnya negatif, sementara Anda merasa seperti hamil, lakukan tes lagi. Kali ini ke dokter kandungan.

Cara Menambah Berat Badan

Untuk pria, menambah bobot tubuh dapat merupakan masalah yang serius. Satu-satunya cara untuk menambah bobot ini adalah dengan olahraga ketat serta makan lebih banyak. Nah, di sini akan diungkap sepuluh peraturan gizi yang harus anda ikuti sehingga dapat menambah berat tubuh anda tanpa menambah terlalu banyak lemak.
1. Makan yang banyak
Begini cara kerjanya : Jika anda sudah berolahraga namun tidak juga bertambah gemuk, mungkin disebabkan karena anda kurang cukup makan. Bagaimana anda mengharapkan bertambah berat tubuh jika anda tidak mengkonsumsi kalori yang cukup untuk tingkat pembakaran kalori tubuh anda tiap hari ?
Untuk kebanyakan pria, anda harus mengkonsumsi setidaknya 10 kalori perpon berat tubuh anda hanya untuk mempertahankan berat tubuh anda saat ini. Sedangkan untuk menambah berat tubuh anda, anda harus mengkonsumsi setidaknya 500 kalori lebih banyak daripada pemasukan kalori anda biasanya. Semakin banyak anda makan, maka semakin besar pula kemungkinan pertambahan bobot tubuh anda. Anda harus memilih dengan selektif makanan yang hendak anda konsumsi sehingga dapat menambah kualitas bobot tubuh tanpa mengkonsumsi terlalu banyak lemak.
2. Makan lebih sering
Makan lebih sering berhubungan dengan makan lebih banyak karena, secara logis saja, semakin banyak makanan yang anda makan, semakin banyak kalori yang anda dapat. Makan lebih sering juga akan membantu pencernaan anda. Sudah jelas lebih mudah untuk mengunyah makanan ringan berisi 500 kalori masing-masing daripada empat makan besar yang terdiri dari 100 kalori masing-masing.
Selain itu, jika memakan sesuatu dalam porsi besar, beberapa makanan tidaklah diproses dengan benar karena kurangnya hormon-hormon dalam metabolisme anda. Kelebihan makan ini berpotensial menjadi lemak di tengah perjalanannya. Maka camkan lah, dengan makan lebih banyak, anda secara otomatis akan memperoleh beberapa bobot tubuh dari lemak.
Jangan lupa jika anda makan lebih jarang, anda menyebabkan jangka waktu lebih lama dari tiap kali makan, menyebabkan insulin serta konsentrasi nutrisi anda jatuh, berefek menganggu metabolisme tubuh anda.
3. Makanlah dengan proporsi yang tepat
Protein adalah hambatan utama syaraf otot dan gizi penting untuk menambah berat tubuh serta membangun massa otot. Tapi anda juga harus memperoleh jumlah karbohidrat dan lemak yang cukup. Proporsi yang direkomendasikan dari karbohidrat, protein dan lemak adalah kurang lebih 50:35:15. Proporsi ini dapat diterapkan kesemua pola makan tanpa memikirkan pemasukan kalori total.
4. Makanan padat-kalori
Selalu cobalah untuk memakan makanan padat-kalori. Lihatlah hal ini sebagai sesuatu yang lebih efisien. Lebih banyak kalori yang anda dapat dari makanan pergramnya, makin baiklah hal ini, karena anda tidak harus makan lebih sedikit. Ini juga akan membuat anda cepat lapar. Contohnya; cobalah untuk menurunkan konsumsi sayur anda karena kandungan kalorinya yang rendah dan 80% sayuran terdiri dari air. Tapi cobalah makan daging merah, telur dan ikan tuna. Mereka yang ingin gemuk juga sumber yang efektif yang akan membantu anda meningkatkan pemasukan kalori secara keseluruhan.
5. Jangan lupa multivitamin
Makanan padat-kalori biasanya kekurangan gizi mikro seperti vitamin-vitamin, air dan mineral-mineral tertentu. Untuk menghindari kekurangan gizi mikro ini, makanlah multivitamin tiap hari. Vitamin dibutuhkan untuk mempertahankan tingkat optimal dari gizi mikro, dan makanlah diantara jam makan anda untuk mempercepat pencernaannya.
6. Gizi setelah olahraga
Setelah berolahraga, tingkat gizi makro tubuh anda berkurang dan syaraf otot anda membutuhkan penyegaran. Ini sebabkan makanan setelah olahraga merupakan makanan penting tiap hari untuk mereka yang ingin menambah berat tubuh. Selalu cobalah untuk makan dalam satu jam setelah olahraga untuk hasil optimal. Tubuh anda memiliki kapasitas untuk menyerap protein lebih banyak di saat itu daripada waktu lain. Secara umum, anda harus mencoba mengkonsumsi 45-50 gram protein dan lebihkan 1,5 kali jumlah karbohidrat anda setelah tiap kali anda berolahraga.
7. Tidurlah saat perut anda penuh
Makanan terpenting kedua dalam satu hari adalah anda makan sebelum tidur. Rata-rata pria membakar 67 kalori perjam saat tidur. Jadi jika anda biasa tidur 8 jam, cobalah untuk mengkonsumsi setidaknya 536 kalori sebelum pergi tidur. Ada kepercayaan umum bahwa apapun yang anda makan sebelum tidur akan berubah menjadi lemak, tapi ini tidak sepenuhnya benar. Pastinya, jika anda makan Big Mac sebelum tidur, memang akan disimpan sebagai lemak. Lebih baik minum campuran protein berkualitas, karena rendah lemak dan isinya hanya karbohidrat.

8. Cintailah daging
Sederhana kok, jika anda ingin gemuk, anda butuh makan daging. Daging itu kaya protein, sumber kreatin natural yang baik dan memiliki banyak kalori.
9. Minum yang banyak
Air putih, jus, dan susu. Minum adalah kunci untuk menambah massa tubuh, karena 60% tubuh kita terdiri dari air. Anda kehilangan air lewat keringat atau air urin dan ini akan meningkatkan penurunan berat tubuh secara drastis dengan rasa haus. Jadi pastikan anda banyak meminum air. Minum air putih akan membantu anda memperbaiki sistem pencernaan, sementara susu dipenuhi oleh protein berkualitas dan jus akan memberikan gula-gula penting yang dibutuhkan oleh tubuh anda.
10. Tingkatkan konsumsi kalori anda secara bertahap
Secara perlahan tubuh anda akan terbiasa oleh peningkatan konsumsi kalori. Cobalah untuk meningkatkan pemasukan kalori perharinya dengan 125 sampai 250 kalori sampai anda mencapai berat tubuh yang anda idamkan.

Macam Taman Rumah

Thursday, 30 June 2011

Tips Agar Kulit Putih Bersih

Kulit yang putih bersih, masih sering menjadi dambaan bagi seseorang.
Dalam menjaga dan memelihara agar kulit menjadi putih bersih tidak harus menggunakan biaya yang mahal. Yang penting adalah kedisiplinan dalam menjaga dan merawat kulit Anda.

Memang tidak mungkin Anda merubah warna kulit asli anda yang hitam menjadi putih
melebihi warna pigmen bawaan kulit Anda, tetapi anda masih dapat mencoba maksimal dengan kulit yang bersih dan menawan.
1.                                                     Berusahalah untuk menjaga kulit anda terhidar dari sinar matahari langsung, gunakan pakaian yang dapat menutupi kulit. Anda dapat menggunakan sunblock, jika memang kulit harus terkena sinar matahari langsung.
2.                                                     Mandi setelah anda selesai dari kegiatan harian menggunakan sabun yang sesuai dengan kulit. Dengan mandi tiap hari kulit akan terlepas dari kotoran dan bekas keringat.
3.                                                     Setelah mandi, biasakan untuk menggunakan body lotion untuk menjaga kelembaban kulit.
4.                                                     Perbanyaklah minum air putih, karena kecukupan air akan menjaga kesegaran kulit dari dalam tubuh Anda.
5.                                                     Banyak makan buah-buahan setiap hari, akan membantu menjaga kesegaran kulit anda.
6.                                                     Dalam jangan minimal satu bulan sekali rawat badan anda secara menyeluruh dengan lulur misalnya.

Iritasi pada Kulit Bayi, Apa dan Bagaimana Mengatasinya

ehaIritasi pada kulit bayi sering terjadi, beberapa keadaan dapat menjadi pemicu terjadinya iritasi, seperti:
* Pemakaian popok sintesis atau celana berlapis plastik yang lama tidak diganti, sering menimbulkan iritasi langsung pada kulit akibat tertimbunnya urin atau kotoran yang mengandung amonia. Tertutupnya daerah popok meningkatkan suhu maupun kelembaban di daerah lipatan bokong makin memudahkan penyerapan bahan-bahan kimia iritan tersebut. Bila berlangsung berulang-ulang pelindung kulit akan rusak, sehingga memudahkan berkembangbiaknya jamur, seperti Candida albicans.
* Pada daerah-daerah lipatan terutama pada bayi gemuk seperti daerah leher, lipat paha, lipat siku, bila terjadi penumpukan keringat yang terlalu lama maka akan mengiritasi kulit bayi. Peradangan berulang yang terjadi juga akan diperburuk dengan berkembangbiaknya jamur seperti Candida albicans.
* Bayi dengan riwayat keluarga alergi akan lebih sering dijumpai keluhan iritasi, seperti sisik halus di daerah kulit kepala akibat pemakaian produk kosmetika sampo ber-pH tinggi atau hair-lotion yang terlalu wangi. Dapat pula dijumpai hal serupa di daerah dada, punggung, perut akibat pemakaian minyak penghangat seperti minyak telon atau kayu putih yang digunakan terus-menerus di iklim panas.
* Kekeringan kulit bayi akibat pemakaian berulang sabun mandi yang mengandung antiseptik. Peradangan kronis akibat kontak bahan iritan lemah akan mempengaruhi keseimbangan flora normal kulit, dengan akibat berkurangnya daya pertahanan alamiah kulit.
* Bayi baru lahir yang mengkonsumsi susu sapi formula dengan kadar pH tinggi terkadang dijumpai kemerahan di daerah sekitar dubur.
Bagaimana mengobatinya ?
1. Terpenting adalah pencegahannya, karena bila dicermati semua faktor penyebab iritasi pada kulit bayi dapat dicegah. Umumnya kelainan kulit baru timbul bila telah terjadi paparan yang berulang-ulang dalam jangka waktu yang lama.
2. Hindari sementara pemakaian popok sekali pakai atau celana berlapis plastik selama peradangan. Pakailah popok kain tipis lembut yang bahannya menyerap keringat. Cuci daerah bokong dan sekitarnya setiap bayi buang air kecil atau buang air besar dengan sabun lembut untuk bayi, keringkan dengan handuk lembut ditepuk-tepuk pelan dan jangan digosok kasar. Hindari bedak saat kulit meradang.
3. Daerah lipatan yang meradang sering dikompres dengan waslap handuk yang dibasahi air, hindari pemakaian bedak untuk sementara waktu. Daerah lipatan sering dibuka dan diangin-anginkan. Bila berkeringat segera seka perlahan dengan waslap handuk yang dibasahi air, jangan digosok lalu dikeringkan dengan handuk. Pakailah baju longgar dari bahan katun yang tipis dan mudah menyerap keringat.
4. Bila dijumpai kulit bersisik dapat diberi krim pelembab khusus bayi setelah mandi. Jangan mandi dengan air terlalu panas berlama-lama. Pakailah sabun dan sampo khusus bayi. Untuk sementara waktu hindari penggunaan bedak atau berbagai produk kosmetik untuk bayi.
5. Jangan oleskan obat salep, krim atau minyak apapun di daerah yang meradang tanpa konsultasi dengan dokter terlebih dahulu.
6. Yang perlu diperhatikan dalah pencegahan. Iritasi pada kulit bayi lebih sering disebabkan oleh bahan iritan yang lemah seperti keringat, urin, feses, produk perawatan kulit yang salah penggunaannya, deterjen, atau cairan anriseptik dan mungkin kitapun punya andil untuk memaparkannya. Kadang-kadang timbulnya iritasi ditunjang oleh kondisi yang cocok untuk timbulnya peradangan seperti faktor kelembaban, panas, tertutup ataupun gesekan.

Cat untuk Lantai Makin Berwarna dan Kuat

ck oleh: Johny H. Kakiay

Lantai berwarna menjadi salah satu alternatif dekorasi ruang. Cat lantai, pilihannya.

Menghadirkan warna ruang kini dapat melalui cat lantai. Pilihan warnanya beragam: merah, biru, oranye, hijau, bahkan ada yang menghasilkan efek tekstur. Cat lantai rupanya ingin menyamai cat dinding. Karenanya, cat lantai kini menjadi material alternatif untuk dekorasi rumah.
Sedikitnya ada tiga produsen yang menawarkan cat lantai itu. Ada Propan, Arturo, dan Delta. Propan menghadirkan Multi-Pox MX-100 SF dan Arturo dengan cat Art Stone yang bertekstur. Delta menawarkan cat primer Delta dan cat finishing Delta Oxy Floor (top coat).
Cat lantai Multi-Pox bertipe epoxy, yaitu polyamide cured epoxy enamel . Dalam aplikasinya, cat ini perlu dicampur komponen lain, yaitu hardener . Pecampurannya dengan komposisi 3:1, atau 0,75kg cat Multi-Pox dicampur dengan 0,25kg hardener . Pencampuran ini untuk cat dasar dan cat finishing .
Satu kg campuran cat Multi-Pox dan hardener itu dapat menutup area seluas 3m2-4m2 dengan dua kali sapuan. Lapisannya setebal 150-200micron. Tak heran bila cat ini tahan akan kikisan karat, cairan kimia, dan dapat diaplikasi pada berbagai media, terutama cor semen.
Cat tersebut juga memiliki warna yang cukup lengkap, mulai dari putih, ivory, dark green , hingga graphite grey . Tak ketinggalan efek glossy dan dof . Cat glossy menjadi pilihan jika ingin menampilkan efek kilap pada lantai, sedangkan dof untuk efek natural.
Cat sejenis ditawarkan pula oleh PT Putramataram Coating International, dengan cat Delta, yang terdiri dari cat dasar dengan Epoxy Primer dan cat finishing (top coat) dengan Oxy Floor.
Khusus untuk top coat , cat itu menghasilkan dua jenis efek: glossy dan matt . Anda diberi pilihan untuk menciptakan efek warna cat yang ingin dimunculkan. Cat dengan efek glossy dapat digunakan untuk area yang membutuhkan kesan clean , sedangkan matt yang natural untuk ruang yang tampil apa adanya, seperti garasi atau area servis.
Sedikit berbeda dengan cat lantai lainnya, Delta Oxy Floor harus dilapis cat dasar terlebih dahulu. Cat ini memang rentan terhadap permukaan yang tidak bersih. Karena itu, cat ini membutuhkan pelapis awal, berupa cat primer.
Cat lantai lainnya adalah Art Stone dari Arturo. Produk keluaran PT Sapta Kurnia Kimia Abadi ini memiliki bahan cat yang unik, berbentuk butiran. Butiran ini menghasilkan tekstur yang khas. Tekstur berupa flek itu langsung terlihat saat cat diaplikasikan. Cocok untuk melapis lantai garasi, teras, atau dapur. Cat ini pun dapat diaplikasi di kamar mandi karena dilapis dengan coating antilumut dan antijamur.
Selain bertekstur, teknik apilkasi Art Stone tidak seperti cat biasa. Cat ini diaplikasi dengan cara mengambil bahan cat dari dalam kaleng menggunakan kape. Lalu cat diletakkan di permukaan lantai, dan diratakan dengan roskam. Setelah kering, didiamkan sedikitnya satu hari. Kemudian, barulah cat itu dilapis ulang dengan coating . Coating inilah yang menentukan hasil pengecatan. Bisa mengilap bila menggunakan cat berbasis gloss dan natural jika dengan dof.
Jika Anda ingin mengaplikasikan cat lantai, perhatikan berapa besar area yang akan dilapisinya, untuk menghitung banyaknya cat yang akan dibeli dan besar biayanya. Satu set kaleng 1kg Multi-Pox dapat menutup lantai seluas 3m2-4m2. Harganya Rp135.000 per kg per set. Satu galon 4kg Art Stone dapat menutup permukaan lantai sekitar 4m2. Harganya Rp125.000 per galon. Ada juga ukuran pail (20kg) dengan harga Rp600.000 per pail.
Untuk Epoxy Primer, dengan 1kg cat dapat menutup lantai seluas 2,5m2, sedangkan 1kg Delta Oxy Floor antara 1m2-1,5m2. Harga cat dasar Rp266.000 per set per galon (5kg) dan Rp1.558.000 per set per pail (30kg). Harga Delta Oxy Floor Rp328.000 per set per galon (5kg). Ada yang warna standar Rp1.933.000 per pail (30kg) dan warna spesial Rp356.00 per set per galon (5kg), serta Rp2.095.000 per set per pail (30kg).
Sudah tahu gambarannya? Silakan mencoba!
Foto: iDEA/Richard Salampessy